My Definition of “Fiduciary”

A fiduciary is someone who has a financial responsibility to their clients and keeps their best interests at heart when making financial decisions.  A fiduciary will never try to sell you a product. I am a fiduciary because my job requires a legal, ethical, and moral...
Spring Cleaning for Science

Spring Cleaning for Science

Many of us associate spring cleaning with the reward of clean lines and surfaces throughout the living space — but there are also health benefits waiting there for the taking. For example, bleach has been the frontline solution to sanitizing anything and everything....
Borrowing from Peter to Pay the IRS

Borrowing from Peter to Pay the IRS

If you’re still freaking out about your taxes, there is a solution that can be accomplished within a week. I’m talking about borrowing money to pay the tax man. The IRS is very much in favor of this option, even encouraging you to set up a payment plan anyway for some...
Winterizing Your Second Home

Winterizing Your Second Home

August is a magical month. Lawyers take time off like it’s a status symbol, the Pacific Northwest becomes a desert — and you start thinking about what you want to do next year.  If your plans revolve around a second home, they probably include some hurried trips to...