Put Your Finances In Order Before Divorce Or Suffer More Pain
No one enters a marriage with plans to divorce or plans to have a stranger looking at their expenses with a fine-tooth comb, but it happens. Individuals often pay their bills online without performing any serious recordkeeping. This can become problematic, even if you...
Credit is Essential
Your credit score is vital to your financial well-being, yet so many of us don’t even know what it is. Keeping track of it is important, especially if you’re at a transition point in your life. For example, a divorce never results in a decrease in spending — the...
Divorce’s Hidden Price Tag
Nobody enters into marriage with plans to divorce and get audited by the IRS, but it happens. Both as a divorcée and as a financial professional, I know that there are all kinds of things that can go wrong in a divorce, and they all have to do with money. People are...
New Life, New Goals…New Team!
Today my focus is on people going through troubled marriages or who are already somewhere in the divorce process. Judith Heft & Associates is 100% owned and operated by women. Plus, we’ve all been divorced. Our experiences were different, and we’re...
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