The Invisible Ingredient to Financial Success
As a Certified Money Coach, I have seen firsthand how the pandemic has devastated families. Not only are people losing their family members, they’re losing their livelihoods. I keep hearing people say, “something’s gotta give, something’s gotta give” — and they’re...
Money Coaching from a Distance
With bungee jumping temporarily off my dance card, I was able to pour all of my energy into writing a new curriculum for my Money Circles on Zoom. As a Certified Money Coach, it’s important that I stay up-to-date with current events — and the current is changing fast....
Business as Usual at Judith Heft & Associates
When I wrote “Being a Fiduciary Is Not a Gig,” I wondered if I was bragging too much about how secure our office is. I was, and still am, very proud of the fact that during normal times, we do not take our work home with us. Well, like so many things, COVID-19 has...
New York State Adopts Alternative Dispute Resolution
New York State has announced plans to institute Presumptive Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for civil cases in all of its 13 judicial districts. The form of ADR that people are most familiar with is divorce mediation, but now all sorts of litigants — from tenants...
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