Student Loan Forgiveness
Student loan forgiveness is a divisive topic. On one hand there are people who paid them back and are adamant that they should be paid back — and on the other hand, people are ending up on public assistance because their student loans are more than their rent. What I...
Understanding Your Net Worth
Do you know what your net worth is? Think of it as a financial report card. It’s something that you need to evaluate so you can figure out what you need to do in order to reach your financial goals. Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities Your assets are...
Never Ghost the IRS
If you’re expecting a tax bill this year and you can’t afford it, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. The IRS charges a failure to pay penalty of 0.05% per month on the outstanding balance until it’s paid off, and while they charge you interest...It’s not too late: Set those goals now!
It’s not too late to set your financial and personal goals for 2019. I think that sometimes people set their goals in January and then by March 15th or mid-March those goals are in shambles. Here are some smart tips to get you back on track. If you have credit...
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