Record Keeping for Businesses
I understand being thrust into a position of responsibility. My business grew in leaps and bounds, leaving me with boxes and boxes of paperwork that I didn’t know what to do with. Businesses are required to hold on to everything forever, right? I asked myself. The...
Establishing Residency in a New State
America is unique in the way it has so many different systems of government (states plus federal). This can make relocating to another state a confusing process. It may be one which many people simply never complete in terms of paperwork. Doing that is actually a big...
Never Ghost the IRS
If you’re expecting a tax bill this year and you can’t afford it, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. The IRS charges a failure to pay penalty of 0.05% per month on the outstanding balance until it’s paid off, and while they charge you interest...
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