Don’t Miss These Facts About Gift Cards

Don’t Miss These Facts About Gift Cards

Gift cards are a double-edged sword to me — the giftee is certain to get something they want, but they also show the exact amount you spent on them. Still, they are indispensable during the holiday season. Most recipients don’t end up having a nightmare experience...
2022 Holiday Tipping Cheat Sheet

2022 Holiday Tipping Cheat Sheet

A lot goes into this — and by this I mean me. In addition to the very expensive lattes, I rely on other people for hair styling, fixing things in my townhouse, cleaning my townhouse…I’m really composed of other people. That’s why I love to give back to them at the end...
Holiday Spending Tips

Holiday Spending Tips

Every year, we’re confronted with enticing Black Friday deals earlier and earlier, because retailers want you to involve just one more paycheck in your holiday spending. So what we recommend at JHA — before you get crazy and start dipping into your October paychecks —...
An Ounce of Prevention

An Ounce of Prevention

The cost of winter seems to go up every year — and not just in money. If you’re not prepared for it, it can be a time-stealer, too. I know someone whose life was turned upside down when a secondary branch of an ancient oak tree came crashing through his roof. Crews...