Money Apps for Teens

Money Apps for Teens

I hate to sound like a luddite, but I’m wondering if all of these easy-to-use financial apps are actually helpful in teaching our kids about money. How can a teen learn about the value of a dollar when it’s made of zeroes and ones? To be sure, this is not a new thing....
Is Temu for You?

Is Temu for You?

You may have heard about a new app topping the charts in the App Store. Temu, based out of China, is a combination fast fashion/plastic junk online retailer. The gimmick is free shipping and incredibly low prices — and the downside is vast and multifaceted. According...
The Stories Behind the Milestones

The Stories Behind the Milestones

We often remember big, flashy milestones, but what about the humble touchstones along the way? I’m talking about things that you may not have even noticed, but contain a poignant significance in hindsight.  For instance, do you remember when your kid realized why some...
Airline Hidden Costs

Airline Hidden Costs

In my last post, I touched on something that is becoming more common: hidden costs in addition to the price you were told. I gave the example of security services charging more to use Alexa or Google, and pointed to the classic example of Spirit airlines. But did I...
DIY: Second Home Security

DIY: Second Home Security

Times were simpler when home security could be established simply by displaying a sign — but that’s known as the forward passage of time, and we just have to deal with it. Nowadays, home security services have “absorbed” a nanny cam/baby monitor function, which turns...
How to Take a Relaxing Vacation

How to Take a Relaxing Vacation

The rigors of beach life demand a clear mind, and travel insurance is a smart way of attaining it. The travel insurance market has some types of coverage that are new, like COVID-related cancellations; and familiar, like boilerplate luggage policies. I curated the...