Facebook Marketplace Scams

Facebook Marketplace Scams

It’s the time of year when people are thinking about patio furniture they want to buy, and other people are thinking about furniture they want to sell. Facebook Marketplace, or simply “Marketplace,” seems like the perfect solution to bring these two groups of people...
How Scammers Think

How Scammers Think

Recently I received an email that purportedly came from a professional organization I am a member of. I didn’t know the person, but the subject read, “American Association of Daily Money Managers,” so I reached back out. I asked the sender how I...
RIP Checks

RIP Checks

In the old days, some 20 years ago, paying bills by check was the cheapest way. It avoided the fees associated with paying by phone, and in some cases, by wire.  Things have changed. Nowadays, it’s really not a good idea to mail any checks to anyone, especially...
Scamming Is the World’s Oldest Profession

Scamming Is the World’s Oldest Profession

Tax fraudsters are…doing their thing. I keep an ear close to the ground and I haven’t heard about anything new under the sun this year. Meanwhile, non-tax scammers are flourishing, angling to intercept our tax refunds after we receive them.  If you ever get a call...
It’s a Movement: Disney Is Too Expensive

It’s a Movement: Disney Is Too Expensive

Disney has been getting a lot of bad press for their out-of-control pricing. There’s no question anymore that Disney only enjoys shaking you down for money…all the livelong day. Let’s take a look at their flagship park, Disney World. I don’t know if companies realize...
Organization Tips for January

Organization Tips for January

National Get Organized Month is here! Previously I wrote about getting organized, but I neglected to talk about getting your online self organized.  There are more than enough reasons to play close attention to the cybersecurity of your personal or business presence...