Don’t Miss These Facts About Gift Cards

Don’t Miss These Facts About Gift Cards

Gift cards are a double-edged sword to me — the giftee is certain to get something they want, but they also show the exact amount you spent on them. Still, they are indispensable during the holiday season. Most recipients don’t end up having a nightmare experience...
Holiday Gift Giving Guide 2023

Holiday Gift Giving Guide 2023

The holidays are approaching, and all over the nation, people are making their year-end tip lists. I’m not going to lie, some people brag about the size of their list. My favorite strategy is to take a categorical approach. That is, I put my service providers into six...
Financial Concierge v. Bookkeeper

Financial Concierge v. Bookkeeper

What is the difference between a financial concierge and a bookkeeper? Our team has several financial concierges, and they’ll tell you that they pay more attention to detail than a bookkeeper. Bookkeepers are great at data entry, but they don’t necessarily know...
What Is “Bill Pay”?

What Is “Bill Pay”?

⅓ of seniors in America do not use any kind of online bill pay service. Considering that many of those seniors go out and buy a money order to pay their bills, you can see how the issue becomes a little “covid-y” during flare ups. That’s why experts are urging seniors...
Who Exactly Are You Marrying?

Who Exactly Are You Marrying?

Some people hire private investigators to delve into their fiancé(e)’s past, others do all the work themselves. Due diligence is required in this day and age, but I can’t help but feel like everyone is just avoiding difficult conversations about money. It’s always...
Medicare Open Enrollment Is Here

Medicare Open Enrollment Is Here

You may have heard it’s Open Enrollment for Medicare and wondered what that even means. It means that Americans have until December 7, 2023 to change or expand their Medicare plans. If you try to make changes after that date, it might be up to the discretion of an...