Taming Your Cables

Taming Your Cables

Earlier this week, Apple unveiled the iPhone 15 here and in Europe. It’s notable because it features a USB-C plug instead of Apple’s proprietary Firewire charging cable. That means that soon we’ll be able to charge our iPhones with any old schlubby USB-C cord from the...
What Is a Financial Concierge?

What Is a Financial Concierge?

A family’s financial needs may involve anything from finding an appraiser to doing light forensic accounting. That’s why it takes more than a bookkeeper to make your finances effortless — it takes a financial concierge. My journey to being a financial concierge took...
Pay Yourself First: W-2 Edition

Pay Yourself First: W-2 Edition

When I say, “Pay yourself first!” I’m not just talking to the small business owners out there. Paying yourself first is also an option for people with W-2 employment. Rather than literally paying your salary first, it’s more of a savings philosophy mixed with a...
Out With The Old: Unpaid Internships

Out With The Old: Unpaid Internships

As the school year approaches, parents with kids in college may start to hear about potential internships. While most (over 60%) of internships are paid, the remaining 40% are not. And here’s why that’s a problem. Obviously, there are some serious ethical concerns...
False Positives in Fraud Detection

False Positives in Fraud Detection

It looks like we’re just going to have to open multiple bank accounts and shuffle money between them. That’s because of an increase of false positives in fraud detection at all the major banks. The worst feeling in the world is telling your credit card company where...
Winterizing Your Second Home

Winterizing Your Second Home

August is a magical month. Lawyers take time off like it’s a status symbol, the Pacific Northwest becomes a desert — and you start thinking about what you want to do next year.  If your plans revolve around a second home, they probably include some hurried trips to...
Money Apps for Teens

Money Apps for Teens

I hate to sound like a luddite, but I’m wondering if all of these easy-to-use financial apps are actually helpful in teaching our kids about money. How can a teen learn about the value of a dollar when it’s made of zeroes and ones? To be sure, this is not a new thing....
Is Temu for You?

Is Temu for You?

You may have heard about a new app topping the charts in the App Store. Temu, based out of China, is a combination fast fashion/plastic junk online retailer. The gimmick is free shipping and incredibly low prices — and the downside is vast and multifaceted. According...
Mixing Marital Money

Mixing Marital Money

One of the most common questions I receive from my younger clients is how to keep their money separate once they’re married. It turns out the answer is: It depends. The rules differ slightly from Connecticut to New York, but the concept of commingling is used in both...