No Benefit of the Doubt in Credit Reporting

Of those, 1 out of every 5 have mistakes that adversely affect their credit scores. Considering how important credit is for people to build their business and their lives, credit reporting agencies have an obligation to fix these errors. But they don’t. So what are...

What’s the State of Your Estate?

I was shocked recently to read that 70% of all Americans do not have a will. That’s really like saying 70% of all Americans are driving without insurance – and some of them are doing it with kids in the car. The bug causing this epidemic is the perception that...
Teaching Kids to be Charitable

Teaching Kids to be Charitable

The value of a dollar is something that is becoming harder and harder to convey to young people. With all the great advances in payment technology many teenagers would not even be able to tell you how much money they spent in a given day because they are using cards...
Financial Bookkeeping During Divorce

Financial Bookkeeping During Divorce

From experience, I have learned that many people pay their bills without performing any serious record-keeping. This can become problematic if there is ever a divorce, especially when compounded with the emotional trauma that comes with divorce. In Connecticut,...

Elder Financial Abuse: Lightning strikes twice

Last week I found myself, once again, wading through page after page of insurance policies in an effort to understand where a peculiar debit came from in a client’s bank account. An older gentleman, this client already had a history of being scammed. In fact, he only...

Case Study: Elder Financial Abuse

Starting in March, Social Security will require that all beneficiaries receive their payments electronically. As I was explaining this major change to some apprehensive seniors, I was reminded of how intimidating financial matters can be for them, and how vulnerable...