Is Social Security Dead? Maybe.

Is Social Security Dead? Maybe.

Social Security has always been a hot topic politically. There are almost no circumstances in which an elected official would ever even imply that Social Security should be cut. But this is 2020. Starting today, September 1st — two months before Election Day —...
Never Ghost the IRS

Never Ghost the IRS

If you’re expecting a tax bill this year and you can’t afford it, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. The IRS charges a failure to pay penalty of 0.05% per month on the outstanding balance until it’s paid off, and while they charge you interest...

Get Your Taxes in by the 15th

Tax day is Tuesday, April 17, 2018 — but get your taxes in by April 15!  I know some people have yet to crack open their books. I can hear them now: Oh , tax day isn’t until the 17th, that means I get 17 more days before I have to pay! And of course I’m not talking...