It’s everyone’s worst nightmare: You’re moving with a pet and you have to stow them in the cargo area for the flight. The good news that airlines have been doing this for decades and even have plans in place in case of a delay.

  • According to my research, the worst thing you can do is give your pet Benadryl or any other drug before the flight. If humans get sick during flights, so do our pets — and you don’t want them doing a Jimi Hendrix.
  • In case of a delay, airlines will require you to duct tape a one-gallon bag of kibble to the top of the carrier, even if your pet doesn’t like kibble.
  • The carrier you use has to be much larger than the one you use for the vet. It has to be 1 ½ the length of your pet, and they need to be able to stand up without crouching. 
  • The carrier needs to have ventilation on three sides, and food and water bowls need to be accessible without opening the doors.
  • Wheeled carriers need all four wheels to be locked or removed. 
  • The attendants taking your pet from you are going to see if you pass the smell test — literally. Besides general cleanliness, they will be inspecting your carrier for foul smells.
  • Blankets and fluffy mats at the bottom of the carrier are required, but they can’t exceed three inches in height.
  • When you arrive at your destination, you have to meet your pet at a special cargo area. Wear sneakers!

Smaller pets like cats are permitted to be stored under the seat in front of you and aren’t scrutinized at all. There are carriers that are designed specifically for that.

Our Lifestyle Division can help with you getting your ducks in a row for the airline — or any other time-consuming task. Contact us to learn more.