If your goal this year is to become more organized, experts agree: it’s best to take baby steps. Setting overly ambitious goals and then failing to live up to them leads to a self-defeating mindset that causes some people to abandon their plans to get organized altogether.

Besides saving valuable time, years of experience have taught me that being organized also saves money. Banks make mistakes all the time. Relying on their record-keeping is simply not enough. Protect yourself against erroneous fees by knowing your balance and updating your accounting software daily.

Software like Quicken or QuickBooks make it easy for you to categorize your income and expenses, balance your checkbook and download account information directly from your bank. Your accountant will also appreciate the professional-looking reports you can hand him or her at tax time

Moving slowly into your new way of doing things will increase your chances of success. Once you have taken a deep breath and set realistic goals, the next step is to make sure you have the tools to stay organized.

Whenever you endeavor to do something that requires time and patience, you’re bound to slip up at one point or another. I hate slip ups. Not that people slip up, but the way self-doubt tends to flourish in those situations. I look at it like a diet plan; the fact that I had a slice of birthday cake today does not mean I have to have one again tomorrow. Setbacks happen, but overall you’ll be killing it!

The key to staying organized is to do what works for you. The age-old adage “a cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind” is true – for me. You may find that having papers on your desk suits you just fine. As a financial concierge and organizer, I get it. 

We help our clients attain the level of organization that is most appropriate for them. For more information, contact us.