
"I’ve been working on my money story for some time, but when Judy offered her course, it seemed like a good opportunity to do some more formal practice. I was not disappointed! Her approach is pragmatic but caring; encouraging but also firm. She set the tone of the group so that everyone felt comfortable sharing their points of view and their insights, and these were so helpful to me. Learning about the money archetypes was fascinating but being in the group with so much support was what made the difference. I’m continuing to change my relationship with money so that I can make more, give more, keep more, and enjoy what I spend it on more."

~ Gabriele Nicolet

Judith Heft & Associates

~ Gabriele Nicolet

"I’ve been working on my money story for some time, but when Judy offered her course, it seemed like a good opportunity to do some more formal practice. I was not disappointed! Her approach is pragmatic but caring; encouraging but also firm. She set the tone of the group so that everyone felt comfortable sharing their points of view and their insights, and these were so helpful to me. Learning about the money archetypes was fascinating but being in the group with so much support was what made the difference. I’m continuing to change my relationship with money so that I can make more, give more, keep more, and enjoy what I spend it on more."