What is a credit card cleanse?  Whenever we do a new intake, we always find monthly subscriptions that are no longer relevant or needed. Even worse, some of these apps were sneaky or disingenuous in the way they roped you in. Well, we love busting sneaky and disingenuous companies on behalf of our clients. 

Enter Judith Heft & Associates’ new Credit Card Cleanse. 

The Credit Card Cleanse consists of analyzing all of your credit card bills, literally line item by line item. We learn the story behind each charge. If you are not using every single subscription you’re paying for, we can round up the slackers and present them to you before we make them disappear out of your life, completely (and forever).  

Here are some of the more common monthly money vampires Judy and I see:

  • Insurance for vehicles that do not exist
  • Adobe subscriptions for kids who have their own through school
  • Video conferencing services that seemed fun a year ago, but now… 
  • Paying for cable TV when you stream everything
  • Simple math errors by the credit card company

We recommend using our Credit Card Cleanse service quarterly to ensure that you’re still using whatever subscription services you are being charged for. 

One real-life example was a couple who used one of the bigger video-conferencing services. They were paying for an unlimited number of users, but they didn’t need an unlimited number of users. They needed a finite number of users! They saved a couple hundred dollars a month by limiting the number of potential users on the account. Doing so didn’t change any of their capabilities, we simply customized the account according to what our clients actually needed and used.

There’s a tremendous amount of work that’s involved in doing a Credit Card Cleanse, but after 40 combined years in the trenches, we know how to work smart. Please contact us for more details.