Unimaginable horror after unimaginable horror. What happened in Uvalde stands out because it demolished talking points with irrefutable facts: 

  • 21 dead
  • Legally purchased gun
  • “Good guys with guns” did not help
  • Heartbreaking 911 calls 
  • Ineffective response

It’s really about survival for Americans now. It’s the wild west. I feel like I have to essentially “do security” at any gathering of people I find myself in. I never envisioned that, in 2022, it would become imperative for me to start thinking like a TSA agent. 

Quality of life is an asset, and we are being robbed. The thief is the AR-15. It has a lot of powerful friends in Congress and beyond who will cover for it, for some reason. It’s the common factor in all the mass shootings that have dominated the news cycle…usually for three days or so.

All the other excuses that have been offered for Uvalde and Buffalo can be canceled out, like an algebra equation. The irreducible, indivisible term in the equation is the AR-15. It’s so obvious. But people will send death threats if you say you want it banned. 

It’s important that we don’t allow any more quality of life to be taken from us. It’s already embarrassing when Europeans bring up health care. We should be obtaining more enhancements of quality of life, not quietly ceding it.

On the other hand, so many faiths came together to mourn the babies of Uvalde, and the elders in Buffalo. It was a real moment of unity that we should emphasize.