Success is something you attract by the person you become.
– Jim Rohn

I’ve been turning over a new leaf recently, reading more and watching less television. This week I would like to share some of the page-turners that have been keeping me occupied.

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

This is a book that has really transformed my life. It’s about getting up an hour earlier than you usually do and practicing these Life S.A.V.E.R.S:

  • 10 minutes of Silence—I use this time to meditate
  • 10 minutes to do your Affirmations
  • 10 minutes to Visualize what you want your future to look like
  • 10 minutes to Exercise
  • 10 minutes to Read—hence all of the reading I’m doing again
  • 10 minutes to Scribe—journaling

It’s about changing your attitude and going to bed while looking forward to waking up. The results are more energy and enthusiasm, and less stress.

Money Magic by Deborah L. Price

This book explains and breaks down the different archetypes people fall into when dealing with their money. Just as psychologists often point to the formative years as the origin for many psychological traits, Price does the same with money. She has come up with eight different types of relationships that people have with money. In a previous post I wrote about these Eight Different Money Types, which are all based on our exposures to money in our early years. I think that we all have a little bit of each type in us, with one more dominant type that tends to rule the roost—and you might be surprised to find out your type(s) from taking the quiz.

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Most small business owners don’t pay themselves first. They pay themselves if and when there is anything left over. That leads to a situation where you might be making money and increasing your volume every year, but you don’t necessarily know what your profit is.

In his book, Michalowicz talks about the old style of accounting versus his new style:

  • Old Way: Sales – Expenses = Profit
  • New Way: Sales – Profits = Expenses

This new paradigm teaches you to set up a spending plan for your business in which you’re only spending what you can afford. And the good news is, Mike explains how to apply this new method to your personal life, as well. I wish I knew about this book 20 years ago…too bad it wasn’t written!

If You Want It Done Right, You Don’t Have To Do It Yourself by Donna M. Genett, PhD

This book is a short read, clocking in at about 100 pages. But each page is packed with useful information about building teams, being a team leader, and knowing how to delegate.

One of the things I identified with was requiring my employees to be mind readers. According to Genett, you really need to be specific with them. When you’re specific with them, and you give them a project and tell them exactly what you want done and when you want it done, everybody’s happier. People understand what you want, they can do a better job, and you’re more relaxed because they’re not coming back to you with the wrong project. I recommend this short read for anyone that has a staff.

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

This #1 New York Times bestseller is a fictional novel about a curmudgeon who doesn’t have friends. The people around him think he’s mean, and he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else. Then, suddenly, some people come into his life and it’s revealed that he has a big heart. Don’t let my synopsis speak for the book, Backman does a much better job—but I will say that the moral of the story is that life is too short.

Going without TV has been fun! I’m sure that eventually I will be drawn in to watching something on Netflix, but for the time being I am enjoying my peace and quiet. And if I become a better businesswoman in the process, all the better!